Efficient and durable flight information display solution for international airport

Incheon International Airport is one of the largest and busiest airports in the world. Since 2005, it has been rated the best airport worldwide by Airports Council International every year. The airport holds an unbreakable record of being ranked the Best Airport Worldwide for 7 years by the Airports Council International (ACI)'s Airport Service Quality award. For a busy International Airport with an average of 1,600 daily flights like Incheon International Airport, the simplicity and durability of flight information systems and baggage control systems is the most important thing. The ARBOR ELIT-1650 not only fulfills these requirements but also fully complies with airport construction specifications. Now, 800 units of ELIT-1650 are installed as the flight Information and baggage control systems in Incheon International Airport providing efficient and durable service for hundreds of thousands of passengers passing through this airport.
On average, there are 1,600 daily flights that are displayed in the information express terminal in Incheon International Airport. The core requirement of industrial computers for the flight information system is high-performance, stability, quality and business continuity for quick and accurate flight information services provided to travelers.
ARBOR knew the requirements of an extremely busy information broadcasting systems. When cooperating with system integrator for Incheon Airport project, both sides showed the best expertise and solution to help our client enhancing competitiveness and achieve their business objectives.
To build and sustain such an enormous computing system, the simplicity and durability of the IPC is the first priority.

Comparing with previous solutions of other industrial computer suppliers, ARBOR ELIT-1650 is a more compact and reliable solution because of fan less system, low power consumption, and a detailed specification which is airport construction compliant.
By using the ELIT-1650, the flight information system is able to provide more diverse content and interactive information services but the operation is more stable than the existing system.
The ELIT-1650 is a one-to-one connection with industrial computers and monitors for airline company names, flight schedules, and boarding gate information. In order to support these requirements mentioned above, the ELIT-1650 industrial computer provides Full-HD video output and multi-display support. Moreover, ELIT-1650 flexible system structure provides multiple specifications for hardware such as CPU module and other expansions. By installing different CPU modules, ELIT-1650 is able to fulfill different application with minimal modifications.
The overview of application scenario is as follows: Flight information terminals consist of a large screen display, an industrial computer, a power supply, and the housing. Incheon International Airport flight information data is transferred from the server via a dedicated network to the display.

The reliability of industrial computers is the most important factor for the current ICT trends. Specs and features have been developed in a variety of industrial computers to support these trends. The ARBOR ELIT-1650 provides dual application with one model for flight information signage and one for baggage control systems which provides better flexibility. The durability and stability of the system provides continuity for quick and accurate flight information services for airport users. All in all, the ELIT-1650 not only fulfills the needs of high specification but also the needs of stable and trustworthy systems with flexible structure and customization.